Leprechaun Traps 🍀🌈

We read books about leprechauns and looked at books about leprechaun traps. We formed a plan to catch a sneaky leprechaun and then worked all week building a perfect trap!! We also re-purposed our ship one more time to turn it into a giant leprechaun trap. This is always my favorite week to see all of our process art practice pay off! Our confident little artist/builders take this task very seriously! I love hearing all of the ideas and brainstorming! 

REMINDER - Spring Break is next week. PLA will be back open on Monday the 20th. 

We have a graduation date May 21st at 2:00

We will start registering kiddos from our waitlist at the end of the month for next year. I believe I have talked to all of our enrolled families about next school year, but if you need to change your schedule please let me know ASAP. Thank you!


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